Saturday, September 17, 2005

New games

Bought them a new scratch and climb tree. Put it up between window and couch. Took them a while to figure it out, but now they climb it up to the top.

Franky tried to explore my desk today. In alignment with the no-paws-on-my-tables-policy I threw him down. 10 times. Then I had enough, grabbed him by the fur in the neck and explained again in no uncertain terms that he's not allowed up here. After that, he left.

They picked up playing with the computer. While I'm up here navigaing spacecraft around, they play with the keys in the front lock of the computer. Makes a helluva lot of noise, too.

We had another first today: group-tv-ing. I ordered a pizza from a delivery service, when it came, I had dinner on the couch, watching an X-Files rerun. Franky and Benjy were sitting under the glass table and also looking at the TV. At least until they fell asleep.

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