Well, not much happened anyway. I still have to trickfeed them their dry food, I think whenever I grow soft and open another pack of juice stuff for them, they decide to ignore the dry food completely. How do I make it clear to them that sometimes dry stuff is all they get?
Yesterday they looked extremely thin when I came home. Hadn't touched their food bowl at all. Had to hand-feed them and then realized that they actually eat the dry food off the carpet. Creepy.
Today they even ignored the new dry food from my colleague which they had happily wolved down yesterday. So I put out some food on the carpet again and placed they bowl in the middle, that worked. They ate something. Then they wanted milk again, just water is not good enough. Sometimes I seriously ponder the advantages of tube-feeding...

This morning we played chase-the-cat-toy again. As usual. Now I have to admit that running around with the toy, tapping it here and there and alway trying to find a long clear path for them to run get tiring once in a while. So? The longest possible path within a confined space like my apartment is obviously a circle, even of half a meter in diameter, and they can run it forever. So I managed to have Franky chase the toy for about 10 or 15 rounds and then I lead him away in a straight line. He ran after it and after a step and a half he just fell over. No graceful toppling down (that's more business for tall people like me) but went smack down on his side. Nice try Franky. I almost fell over myself laughing.
You may have noticed by the pics: they learned to jump to reach something.

And they learned something else: the boxes that I put between the kitchen cupboard and the washing machine is not only an annoying obstacle that keeps them from getting behind the machine, but it's also a stepping stone to get on top of the machine and from there onto the kitchen counter. Had to throw them off a couple of times in the morning and if they have been up there in the meantime, they were smart enough not to leave tracks.
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