Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Bathing time

I took a bath. Again. This time it was Benjy who fell into the water. Once while the trub was filling up, don't know how, just heard this tumbling sound and when I went to look into the bathroom I saw a wet and unhappy cat. And then later, while I was in the tub, he got startled and dropped in for the second time. Don't know if he learned anything from that, but honestly? I doubt it.

Looking at the picture of Benjy pleasuring himself with his raspy tongue, the little devil, I wonder if the vet really did do such a great job. His plumbing seems to work fine...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

After the vet visit

Well, it took the doc about an hour to rip the manliness out of my cats and sew them shut again. I brought them home and then spent an hour watching them lurchin across the floor and stumbling over their own little paws. Now I know why we humans get our own wakeup room for coming out of surgery. At least they still knew where to find the litter box.

Frankie emptied his stomach over my old carpet and the tilings, but since he hadn't had anything to eat for 12 hours, there was just some white wetness which was easy to clean up. No other aftereffects. Apart from that empty feeling where one would expect a solid chunk of ... uhm... cat mojo, of course.

A promise kept

Well, a promise as grave as the one made this morning must be kept, otherwise my reputation as a big and mean canopener will be shot. So I stuffed them into their transport cage and dropped them off at the vet...


Caught them both on the kitchen table today. Grabbed them and told them in no uncertain words that they get no food today and I'll have their balls cut off.

That'll teach them.