Friday, September 16, 2005

Home alone - again

Well, they better get used to me not being there. Spent the whole day at work today, no noon break to feed them like yesterday. I had to stretch the remaining chicken and rice with dry food, they ate it all. Must have been really hungry. When I came home I gave them a handful of dry food, other than the one I fed them before. They wolved it down. Must have been extremely hungry. Now I cooked another bowl of chicken with rice, will keep adding dry food until they never ever want to have canned cat food ever again. Great plan!

I still find it strange that they only lie down on flat surfaces. Not on blankets or carpets, usually, but wood seems to be very inviting. Like my shelfs. Also the glass from my TV table seems to be comfortable enough. I've given up putting blankets wherever they lay down. It's futile work.

Frankys intestines keep getting better. He almost produced solid byproducts, and the stench around the litter box has become bearable when he's in there. Also there's a lot less to clean out. Phew.

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