Second day all alone at home today. Went out well, and as far as I could see they didn't get into the living room. But somehow they managed to fetch a bag out of my kitchen cupboard, which is roughly a meter high. Not bad. Have to keep my eyes open for more of their little tricks.
In the evening I had a doctors appointment for them for their first vaccinations. Nicole, the former owner, helped me catch them (easy) and then keep them in their basket. Same basket we used to pick them up with last Friday, and I think they still fit through the cage bars. So I was driving and she was shooing them back into the basket. At the doctor the examinations were surprisingly quick and painless. They let the doc handle them without much fuss. And they didn't even blink when they got the vaccination shots. Only Benjy became restless when he had to wait while Franky was examined. Next appointment is in 4 weeks, and then hopefully not for another year.
Back here it was business as usual. I opened up the living room for them while I was here, so I could keep an eye on them. They behaved quite well. And they don't dare to go underneath the shelf anymore. Maybe they grew just the final bit and are now to big.
I already broke my self-imposed rule of cleaning their litter box only once a day. Benjy seems to have a light case of diarrhoea and makes soft and squishy heaps. Nothing serious, I hope. Anyway, the box was so full that I wonder that the cats actually gain weight. I guess I feed them too much. Reminded me of that one time when I came to my car and thought that a flock of birds had just imploded over it. Seriously, there was so much birdshit, if that was a single animal then there couln't have been anything left.
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