Friday, October 07, 2005

Still alive

You may have noticed that the posting frequency has gone done a bit. Don't worry, we're still here and alive and well. Well, of course if you listen to Frankie and Benjy they are barely alive at all and I'm the worst can opener in the whole wide world (in which, admittedly, I'm the only can opener, so I incorporate the best AND the worst can opener in one person), because they only get a tiny amount of can food in the morning and otherwise only dry stuff, and it's barely enough to keep them alive. If you listen to me, be told that they've grown quite heavy in the last days, so I cut their rations a bit today. So they yell even more at me when I'm in the kitchen.

If we're not in the kitchen, we are in the living room. And no, not what you think: me at the computer and them trying to jump up to me is not the default setting. We have introduced couch hour in the late afternoon, where I sit or lie on the couch and they snuggle up to me and let themselves be petted. So far I haven't been able to bring a camera and when I get up later to get one, they wake up and start running around again. So no pictures from the 3 Men And A Couch events...


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