Apart from writing ebay offers and prepping insurance applications (I finally finished them all) I watched a lot of Firefly on the weekend. Got the DVD box Thursday and I have to admit there's only two episodes left to watch of the 15. So now I'm ready to go to the movies and watch Serenity. Shame the show is only so short.
We went out to the balcony today. Played a bit in the snow. I had put them on a leash, so they wouldn't try to escape by jumping off my balcony. They actually didn't complain too much once I had removed the bells from their harnesses.

Oh cool... don't forgett to bring the DVDs to work tomorrow. :)
Didn't I tell you it was good?
Saw Serenity on Sunday.
Joss Weadon is cruel. You never get what you want, just what you need. Enjoy yourself!!
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