Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dear Recording Industry Ass. of America

(and other distributors) I bought music on iTunes today. Which, in itself, is not a rare incident. What makes this one stand out from my other purchases is the fact, that I heard the song on YouTube. Listening to music on iTunes is good. Seeing a message "sorry, this song is not licensed for your country" is not. To put it more adequately, the latter is total and utter bullshit. I tried to find some more songs of the same artist and half the time got that fucked up message. The thirty-second snippets on iTunes do not give a proper impression. How do record labels expect to sell music when advertising it is beyond the scope of the license?

Do the world a favor: make the music public. Lower the bitrate and quality if you must, but ignore the pirates and give honest people a chance to discover and buy music. Don't exclude listeners, just because they live in the wrong country.

Thank you.

P.S.: My deepest thanks go to, who coined the term "Recording Industry Ass. of America". I firmly believe that Ass. fits the bill much better than Association.


IssyVoca said...


Hägar der Schreckliche said...

Interessant, vor garnicht all zu langer Zeit habe ich mich hier über ein sehr ähnliches Thema aufgeregt ...
Ich kann Dich nur zu gut verstehen und mag die Abkürzung Ass.!